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  • 收藏本公司 人气:980
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    温州龙湾亨特五金厂位于温州市龙湾区沙城工业区,是一家专业生产门类五金的工厂,自创办以来,工厂一直专注于装饰五金的开发和生产,先后生产吊轮,门吸,拉手,锁具。在日益激烈的竞争中,我们始终保持“品质在先、用户至上、精益求精、开拓创新”的品质方针;坚持“互相尊重,精诚服务,拼搏创新,科学管理”的企业文化理念;坚持“以质取胜,让利不让市场,兼顾国内外两个市场”的经营方针;坚持“信誉第一,质量第一,客户至上”的服务宗旨,逐步改善企业的经营环境,及时把握发展机遇,努力完成企业短、中、长期的战略目标,实现企业的可持续发展。 品质源于专业,诚信创造价值,我们将一如既往地以客户需求为导向,实现“创造价值,完善服务,不断创世新”的使命,力创“SIDE斯登”品牌,斯登五金愿与各界朋友开展广泛合作,携手共进,共谱凯歌。 HENGTE is located in wenzhou LongWanOu shacheng industrial area, is a professional production of various hardware factory, since it was founded, the factory has focused on the development and production of decorative hardware, successively production sling wheel, the door to absorb, shake handshandle, locks. In the increasingly fierce competition, we always keep "quality first, customer first, keep improving, innovation," the quality of policy; Adhere to the "respect each other, sincere service, and fighting innovation, scientific management" enterprise culture idea; Adhere to the "quality win and not let the market, take into account the profits to both domestic and overseas market," the operating principle; Adhere to the "credibility of the first, quality first, customer first" principle of service, and gradually improve the management of the enterprise environment, to grasp the development opportunity, to complete the enterprise is short, medium and long-term strategic target, realize the sustainable development of the enterprises.

    The quality comes from the profession, the good faith to create value, we will continue to customer demand as the guidance, the realization of "create value, improve service, continuous creation new" mission, make every effort to achieve "SIDE sterns" brand, sterns hardware willing to cooperate with all friends, work together, a total of song of the spectrum.




